Peer Reviewed Articles
Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, “Who Counts? Colonialism, Informational Capacity, and Mass Education in Morocco,” Economic History Review, 2025
Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, Rich Nielsen and David Romney, “The Supply of Conspiracy Theories in the State-Controlled Press,” Journal of Politics, 2025
Gabriel Koehler-Derrick and Melissa Lee “War and Welfare in Colonial Algeria,” International Organization, 77, Spring 2023, pp. 263–93
Samuel Bazzi, Gabriel Koehler-Derrick and Benjamin Marx, “The Institutional Foundations of Religious Politics: Evidence from Indonesia,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, 2020, pp. 845–911
Gabriel Koehler-Derrick and Daniel Milton, “Choose Your Weapon: The Impact of Strategic Considerations and Resource Constraints on Terrorist Group Weapon Selection,” Terrorism and Political Violence, March, 2017
Arie Perliger, Gabriel Koehler-Derrick and Ami Pedahzur, Research Note: “The Gap Between Participation and Violence: Why We Need to Disaggregate Terrorist ‘Profiles’” International Studies Quarterly, January, 2016
Working Papers
Steven Brooke and Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, “Coercive Labor and Long-Run Poverty in Egypt”
Jeremy Bowles, Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, and Michael Olson, “Elite Identity, Land Inequality, and Local Development: Evidence from Colonial Ireland”
Alexandra Blackman, Steven Brooke, Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, and Oliver Lang, “Tribal Voting in New Democracies: Evidence from 6 Million Tunisian Voter Records”
Daniel Baissa and Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, “Methods for Enhancing the Signal-to-Noise Ratio Using Raster Data”
Other Publications
Melani Cammett, Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, and Allison Hartnett, Middle East and North Africa Historical Data Archive
Melani Cammett, Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, and Allison Hartnett, “Colonialism and Long-Run Economic Development in the Middle East and North Africa.” (to be included in the Oxford University Press Handbook on Politics of Muslim Societies, edited by Melani Cammett and Pauline Jones)
Sheena Chestnut Greitens and Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, “Editors’ Introduction to Technology, Data, and Politics,” PS: Political Science and Politics
Gabriel Koehler-Derrick, “Quantifying Anecdotes: Google Search Data and Political Developments in Egypt,” PS: Political Science and Politics